Identity, Values and Strengths

1.Using the evidence gathered, describe your core personal values.

Explain a situation where you have had an ethical decision to make.
Discuss how you weighed up the values involved in that decision, the decision you made and the consequences of the action you took.

During working hour at office, I found out that the account staff who sat next to me was sleeping.
I did not say anything to her or did not wake her up because I assume that she was exhausted or felt sick that day.
However, I started to encounter the situation several times. Eventually, I reported to my manager that she was sleeping during working hour.
I weight up the values which were honesty and integrity.

Describe how your culture has influenced your values and identity.

I was born and grow up in Japan.
I assume that respect, harmony, order, and self-development are the most important values that underlie Japanese social interaction.
I have been influenced the value of respect. I always try to respect others, their opinions and culture.
Sometimes I would respect other’s decision without saying my idea or opinion because I would prefer to respect theirs.

2.Using the evidence gathered, describe your strengths and limitations.

Evaluate your strengths and limitations in terms of your learning and career development

My strengths are planning and felxible,adapting to new situation.
Even in my private time, I like organizing and planning such as travelling, moving in/out flat and shopping.
I would make planning sheet or shopping lists so that I can easily make action.
I have been to different countries and stayed there, because of this experience, I am totally fine with new and different situation.
In the workplace, I like adapting new tools and systems.
In the beginning, I would find it difficult to use them but I would enjoy exploring new stuffs.

Identify which of your strengths might help you in your learning journey and how they might intersect with learning obstacles.

I assume that my flexible strength might help me while learning coding.
I would try new thing to find any solutions.
In other words, I would not stuch at same place, I would skip the part that I get stucked and do it later.

Share an example from your experience of where you were trying to work productively with others, but there was resistance or tension.
Discuss the strategies you used at that time, how effective they were, and your reflections on what other strategies you would try now, and why.

It happned during we were haing first lockdown last year.
I was sharing the flat with 3 more people and we had to study or working at home.
I would like to focus on my work and need some quiet and bigger space to have two monitors.
I did not have desk at my bedroom therefore I had to use sharing living room to do my work....

We discuss what time we would use the dining table to do anything and to become more productive, I bought a noise cancellation headphone not to be bother by other's voice or sound.
Next time, if I have a chance to move out, I would try to rent the flat which has a studying room. I would be lazy if I work at bedroom or living room because of distraction.